Coyote Snarling (with replaceable insert) 3D Field Archery Target

Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling Coyote
Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling coyote
Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling coyote
Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling Coyote
Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling coyote
Gamut L.G. 3D field archery target snarling coyote


Available for order (7-14 days estimated delivery)

A solid full 4 legged target providing fantastic stability for placement. Archers are sure to like this target with attitude.

IFAA + WA Group: 3
Scoring zone height: 17.7 cm
Score areas: 2
Size: L: 34.65″, W: 9.84″, H: 24.41″
Weight: 24.2 lbs

One of the latest releases from L.G., this target also has the option of a replaceable insert for the inner scoring area.

Replaceable Insert for 3D-0150 Coyote Snarling

Weight: 2 kg

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